Buying or Selling a Home?
Did you know that the most costly asset to your home is a swimming pool. Which is why its also the #1 Hassle with any home Purchase. Leak boys help the process by offering a full Pool inspection. Comfort for any home buyer or seller, Knowing that the home is equipped with a fully functional pool.
Pool Inspection
Ensure your pool is leak free and functioning properly with LeakBoys’ Comprehensive pool survey.
Thorough check of the pool surface area
Vinyl Liner, Fiberglass, Gunite.
Inspection of steps, ladders, lights, faceplates, seals, main drain and more.
Pressure testing of all lines. Pinpoint locating available if needed.
Buying or selling a Home ?
Swimming Pool Inspections
You think you’ve found the perfect new home for you and your family. It has everything you wanted, including a beautiful inground swimming pool in the backyard! What could go wrong?
Unfortunately, alot can go wrong.
Unfortunately, when it comes to buying a home with a preexisting inground pool, a lot can go wrong. The sad fact is you could potentially be inheriting other people’s problems when you purchase a house with a built-in pool in the backyard.
That’s not to say an inground pool is a deal-breaker, however before you close on your dream house, you should make sure you know what you are getting when it comes to the pool.
Just as it is necessary to get a professional home inspection done before buying a house, it’s equally important to get a professional swimming pool inspection done if that house has an inground pool already installed. You want to make sure the pool is structurally sound and that all the systems are functioning correctly.
Can My Home Inspector Conduct a Pool Inspection Too?
While some home inspectors will offer pool inspection as part of the home inspection, you should be careful. It’s important to be aware that not all home inspectors are qualified to conduct a full pool inspection. Don’t hesitate to ask if you’re unsure of your home inspector’s qualifications.
We have been building, servicing, and Fixing pools over 25 years, we are masters in our field. Considering this can be the most expensive asset of your house and also the costliest. You should consider booking a Pool inspection today.
Why a Pool Inspection is essential?
A pool inspection is a crucial step when buying or selling a home in Long Island,The reason …
Have your pool checked before buying a home.
Liner Inspection
IMPORTANT! Liners can be a costly feature to your pool. Buy a house knowing how many years you have left on your liner. We can determine how long your liner will last with proper care.
Plumbing Lines
One of the most inportant and expensive repairs is plumbing. Like everything else plumbing has an expiration date. 20-25 years is when its usually time to think about replacing.
Pools Integrity
Depending on the type of pool will determine the inspection. for example a cement pool requires us to look for cracks where as a steel wall pool we would search for rust. either or is bad and can result in a costly repair.