

Swimming pool Leak detection Experts
in Suffolk, Long Island, NY.

Take your Time

Please be specific, and let us know what is going on with your swimming pool. Fill out all questions and add anything you think is important . This helps to File your info as well as your pool and issue. Helping us address the issue and saving you tie and money.

Our Tests

Dive/Electronic Leak Detection

Our Inside Pool Inspection provides a thorough check of the entire pool surface, including Faceplates, Gaskets, Steps, Ladders, Lights, and more, ensuring your pool is leak-free and ready for use.

Plumbing/Pressure Test

Our Pressure test offers a complete check of your pool plumbing and system area, including Pool Plumbing (skimmers and returns), main drain, pump and filter system.

Full Pool Inspection

Our Complete Pool Inspection covers both inside the pool and outside plumbing, giving you a comprehensive assessment of its condition, this is the best test to determine if all aspects of your pool are running with no leaks.

Pool Types

Aboveground Pool

Aboveground and Semi Pool Require Leak trac Test or a Dive. These pools typically take 1 hr to locate the leak. Depending on how many patches the pool requires and the size will determine how long it takes.

Inground Pool

Vinyl and Fiberglass Pools have many factors that determine the cost. Depending on if you know the leaks come from the plumbing or the pool itself will save time. Also any extra features can add time - Hot tub, Waterfall, Steps, Lights, Heaters, etc. Most Inground take 1-3 hrs. depending on size and features. Full inspections and pinpointing can take longer.

Gunite Pool

Gunite pools are concrete pools with tile. These pools can take longer to find a leak as there are many different areas that can leak. Also, the size and any additional features will affect the time as well. If you know whether the leak comes from your plumbing lines or the pool shell itself, will determine time.

Full Pool Inspections

A complete pool inspection is the best route for customers who don’t know where the leak is coming from . It’s also the only way the Leakboys can confirm all leaks are checked. More often then not, Pools have more then one leak. A complete inspection will detect and confirm the pool is totally leak free.